Saturday, May 30, 2009

Punctuation for Modern Chinese Writing


How should these words be punctuated to give it different meanings?

下雨天, 留客天. 天留, 我不留.


下雨天, 留客天. 天留我不? 留.


下雨, 天留客. 天天留我不? 留.

EE @ Helen's

Last night, the Care Group went to Helen's house for dinner and EE. Helen invited her friend, Veronica, to join us as the guest of honour. Also in attendance were Alvin, Sze2 and myself. Abesnt were Annie, Thai and Catherine.

Our gracious hostess served meat lasagna with all its oohy-goohy goodness. Yum in my tum! Sze2 and Alvin brought the ingredients for baking fresh garlic bread and making a baby spinach salad. I brought some strawberries for dessert, not knowing that Helen had already prepared a lot of berries as well. She also made these frozen yogourt cookie sandwiches. They were very delicious.

During dinner, we shared our testimonies with Veronica. Then she shared her experiences with us. It was a very enjoyable time as we were able to learn from one another and share our thoughts.

We ended the evening with prayers for one another. It was a very relaxing evening.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Alice Munro wins Man Booker prize

YAY! Hearing this news just makes me want to take out one of her collections and read something from it. That's exactly what I'll do! ...wait...where's my Alice Munro book??? Did bro take it? I'll have to ask him.

Monday, May 25, 2009

Visit to Lisa, Mark and Little Meagan

Yesterday, Veronica, Rick and I went to Lisa and Mark's house for a visit.

Their new house is beautiful and spacious. My favourite, however, is their garden. Mind you, a garden does take a lot of work to maintain.

I was planning on bringing a prosciutto ham salad, but I ended up not having any time to make it. So, I bought a Greek salad from Metro instead.

Little Meagan was adorable. She is now walking all on her own, and she's also very fluent at speaking Meaganish. We had a great time.

Monday, May 18, 2009


I went shopping with C. and my bangs, which are getting long, kept poking my eyes. I got frustrated and started looking for hairbands to purchase. C. and I were in H&M and I was trying on a hairband when I accidentally poked myself in the left eye with the price tag. Normally, I am very careful about this gesture of putting a hairband around my forehead and avoiding my eyes from the price tag. I don't know what happened; maybe I was too anxious or excited to try on something new, I completely forgot to be careful.

It hurt a lot. For the whole day, on and off. On Sunday, I couldn't not see very well through the left eye as it kept tearing up and my vision was blurred.

Today, it is much better.

Lesson: take extra care when trying on hairbands that have price tags attached to them.

Friday, May 15, 2009

Christian Bookstores

Broughtons Religious Books & Gifts - 416-690-4777
2105 Danforth Avenue, Toronto, ON M4C 1K1

St Jacques Religious Bookstore - 416-466-3315
1242 Danforth Avenue, Toronto, ON M4J 1M6

Anglican Book Centre - 416-924-1332
80 Hayden Street, Toronto, ON M4Y 3G2

Cornerstone Bookshop – Ph. # 416-224-8999
89 Finch Ave. W (2 lights west of Yonge St.) North York, Ontario M2N 2H6

North York Christian Books & Gifts. 416) 223-2339.
5929 Yonge St M2M3V7