Monday, May 18, 2009


I went shopping with C. and my bangs, which are getting long, kept poking my eyes. I got frustrated and started looking for hairbands to purchase. C. and I were in H&M and I was trying on a hairband when I accidentally poked myself in the left eye with the price tag. Normally, I am very careful about this gesture of putting a hairband around my forehead and avoiding my eyes from the price tag. I don't know what happened; maybe I was too anxious or excited to try on something new, I completely forgot to be careful.

It hurt a lot. For the whole day, on and off. On Sunday, I couldn't not see very well through the left eye as it kept tearing up and my vision was blurred.

Today, it is much better.

Lesson: take extra care when trying on hairbands that have price tags attached to them.

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