Friday, October 14, 2005

Another Week Gone By

Boy does time fly! I still remember the week just before school started, when I was trying to get the last minute wedding decorations done for Zemuppet and Chiquita. I had just been hired to teach ESL, and I was dazzled and frazzled. I was so nervous. I wasn't sure if I could do it...I mean, really teach, every day!

Now, it's been over 6 weeks, and I'm no longer nervous. In fact, I stopped being nervous several weeks ago. I don't know when I got used to it.

This week was a mixture of ups and downs. Ups include the successful poetry lessons I've done with my ESLEO class. Downs include some troublesome students.

On Monday, I'm taking the students to Black Creek Pioneer Village. Fortunately, we'll be on a school bus, and not riding the TTC. During rush hour, with 72 adolescents riding the TTC is very frightening thought. Wish me luck!

1 comment:

miss.chip said...

Hey Cece,

I'm glad that you're doing great with teaching and enjoying yourself. You were always such an amazing mentor to me :)

Anyhoo, Pioneer village should be so much fun!! Good luck and I'm sure you'll have everything under control (:P)