Wednesday, January 05, 2005

Overdue News

I was away from the internet during the holidays because of a downed network. After that, the modem was messed up and so I was unable to log on to tell everyone about what's been happening.

I'll give a very brief overview right now.

1. Christmas dinner was very good. There was too much food, as usual, but it was all very good food. The roast beef turned out all right.

2. Christmas dinner with my friends at this new hotpot restaurant at Warden and Steeles was rather pathetic. It was a buffet style, but the selection of food for hotpot-ting was very limited. I had mostly fishballs, other seafood, some veggies and some BBQ meats. They didn't have the veggie called "tong-ho," and they only had salmon for fish. It was very disappointing.

After dinner we went back to "Knight's" house to watch movies. He rented Shaun of the Dead, and this was a very clever movie. It was hilarious at the end, but rather slow at the beginning. Then we exchanged presents and went home.

3. Hearing about the tsunami disaster in S.E.Asia was very disheartening. It made me realize how lucky I am to live in a region of the world where the worst we'll get is 3 meters of snow. Apparently, this is normal in the prairie provinces of Canada, and they have no idea why we were so upset cause we got 3 meters of snow and had to call in the army to help us clear it. Anyway, where I live, we don't have hurricanes, earthquakes, tornadoes, volcano eruptions, floods, droughts and so on. It was very embarrassing to see how slow the Canadian government responded to this disaster.

4. New Years was fun. I went out with friends to the restaurant called Peter Pan, and then we went to the First Night Celebrations at the Distilleries district. I'll write full review of the event later. That night, my friends and I talked about how we should help out the disaster in S.E.Asia, such as making monetary donations to aid organizations like the Red Cross, World Vision and so on. Today, I learned that there is a list of organizations that are reputed to manage their funds very effeciently, and to support them, the Cdn. gov't will match any donation made to these organizations. I will find out what is on that list and try to publish it here.

That's all for now. I'll write more later.

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