Last night, Uncle Tien brought me to his youth Bible Study group. At first, he said that there might only be four members showing up. When we got there, however, there were already six people! The study was on John 6. This chapter talks about Jesus's sermon from the shores of Capernum.
The format of the study was quite similar to the ones we conduct in Toronto, except this group doesn't use any study guide. We simply do a close reading to understand what's going on in that chapter. The study was conducted in Mandarin, led by girl named XiaoDan. She just finished her studies in theology in Hamburg, Germany. She was very enthusiastic and made the study quite enjoyable.
At the end, Lisa asked all of us to recite one verse from chapter 6 that Dan Dang had chosen to be the most important. She chose verse 35, which goes like this: And Jesus said unto them, I am the bread of life: he that cometh unto me shall never hunger, and he that believeth on me shall never thirst. Since I was reading from a Chinese Bible in Mandarin, I decided to interpret it into English while most everyone else recited it in either German or Mandarin. Perhaps my current Bible study groups at Logos and Lingfu could also adapt this strategy.
In the past, we discussed memorizing verses after each study, and reciting them at the beginning of the next session. However, this important activity always seems to be conveniently forgotten at the next session. As a result, we have yet to commit to memorizing verses from the chapters that we've studied.
In the closing prayer, I spoke in English and I prayed for my dad. While in Switzerland, he prayed with me for the first time a few nights ago. First I prayed, and then he followed. He didn't just sit passively and listen to me pray, but participated by speaking directly to the Lord. When I was praying about this last night, I was so overcome by the Holy Spirit that I broke down and was virtually sobbing and praying at the same time. This is so uncharacteristic of me to render myself so vulnerably to complete strangers. Thankfully, the Holy Spirit was with me and I was able to complete my prayer. Last night was a very liberating evening for me.
Afterwards, we sat and chatted. I described to Lisa what Lingfu is like, and she described her church to me. Currently, they don't even have a pastor. The church is basically run by 20 or so members of the Mandarin congregation. She said that now, every one of them have a great responsibility because they no longer have a pastor to lean on. Whatever becomes of their church will depend on what these 20+ members do with it. I responded that if God didn't think they were capable enough for the task, He would not have placed it on them thus. She agreed and we both felt very thankful to the Lord for showing us this scenario. As small as Lingfu is, at least I have Pastor Rex and his wife Ellen to lead the congregation. I thank the gracious Lord for his providence and blessings.
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