Saturday, May 01, 2010

黎明金句 Funny Leon Lai Sayings (Click)

My favourite Leon Lai saying is:
1. (1) 我朝早唔會空肚食早餐 "I wouldn't eat breakfast on an empty stomach."

2. 27) "希望各界支持Leon的朋友選擇自己願意做的善事,不好勉強自己,如果認為不值得,就證明你同他有緣無分.就不需要做,因為我們沒有欠下任何人,我們只希望能夠做點好事,幫助有需要的人。" I hope that the friends who support Leon Lai (me) will choose to act charitably, but please don't do it if it's against your wishes. If you think it's not worth it, then that is proof that you two are not meant to be, then don't do it because we don't owe anyone anything. We just hope that we can do something good to help those in need.“
^ He sounds like he only has an attention span of 2 seconds. Not convinced? See below.

3. (3) 左手又係肉, 手掌又係肉, 獎就只係得一個, 得冠軍同季軍, 唔知點決定。 “Your left hand made of flesh, and your palm is made of flesh. There is only one trophy. Whether it's winning 1st place or 2nd runner up, you wouldn't know how to choose."

The first sentence is a Chinese proverb that says: "the back of your hand is made of flesh, and the palm of your hand is also made of flesh." It's an analogy that is used to drescribe situations of having a dilemma, when you have to choose between two things that you wish to possess at the same time, yet you must sacrifice one of them. Leon Lai made the mistake of saying your left hand and your palm, which makes no sense. Not to mention the part where he says you wouln't know how to choose between winning 1st and 2nd runner up. Of course winning 1st is ideal!

Reason for Edit: correcting a translation mistake.


Anonymous said...
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Me said...

haha, (forgive me)
who is Leon Lai? Sounds like he might be a politician, kinda like Bush

I like the "I wouldn't eat breakfast on an empty stomach" one

Unknown said...

He's a pop star from Hong Kong. He was hugely popular in the 1990s. I really like this one, too. Imagine if we had a picnic with both of these men together at the same time. Imagine the hilarious things they'd say.