Friday, March 10, 2006

It's March Break!!!


Last December, I started to feel like I was going to come down with the flu, or at least a cold. Usually, when the stress is lifted I get sick. I thought I would get sick over the Christmas holidays, but fortunately I didn't. In January, the "almost cold/flu" symptoms persisted, and I was waiting and waiting for it to strike hard. Last week, it did.

Last Wednesday, I felt very sick. I had a slight fever, and my throat was very sore. I decided to take Thursday off. That was good forethought because that night, I crashed. It turned out that I had to take Friday off as well.

This week, I had to go back to work, but my body had not fully recovered yet. All week, I've been waiting for this day to arrive, for this hour, 4:30, when I could leave work. Turns out, I didn't have last period to teach, so I left at 2:45! :D I got home by 4pm and took a nap. Boy, it feels good.

This March Break, I'm going to rest up and recover for the rest of term 1. Whee!!!

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