Monday, September 24, 2007

方皓玟 歡迎光臨 "Welcome"

Go here for lyrics

This is my new favourite singer/songwriter out of Hong Kong. Her name is Charmaine Fong, and this is a song she wrote herself. She's usually a lyricist, but as you will see from the video if you play it, she's a very talented songwriter as well. I first came across this song in the music video version, where the singing is a studio cut. I started to wonder if she could actually sing this live, and here it is. She's just as good. I'm really impressed. I hope she becomes more well-known in HK.

Sunday, September 16, 2007

拖字闕 - 王浩信/方皓玟

Charmaine Fong and Vincent Wong

New Electoral System Referendum (click)

Comparison Notes

First Past the Post (FPP) versus Mixed Member Porportional System (MMP)
107 electoral districts and 107 seats versus 90 electoral districts and 129 seats
FPP - you vote for a candidate for one electoral district
MMP - 90 seats are for the Local members, who are the equivalent to the current candidates we vote for in the current FPP system.
- Then there are 39 seats for the List Members. This is what sets the MMP system apart from the FPP system.

List Members
Before an election, each party puts forward a list of members they want to get seats for in the FPP system. If people give 19 of the 39 seats for List Members to Party A, then Party A gets 19 more seats in addition to the FPP vote. If Party B gets 50 votes in the FPP vote, and Party A gets 20 votes, then Party B would win even if it got only 10 votes in the List Member vote. Why? Because the overall total for Party B is 60 votes, whereas Party A only gets 39 votes in total.

What are we voting on?
We are not only voting on a candidate who represents us at the Provincial Legislature. We're also voting for a party. Sometimes, the person you think is the best candidate may not be of the party that you prefer to have running the government. So, in the MMP system, you get to voice both requests. One for the candidate who would best represent you, as well as the party whose policies are most in line with your values.

Since the List Member is selected by the political party and not by us, the public, then how can we make sure that this List Member candidate will work for us? We will have to contact this candidate and convey our wishes to them. This sounds like more work that I have to do to reach a person who isn't necessarily chosen to work for me. So, I'm wondering if this is an effective way for me to make my voice heard?

FAQ Page
Noteworthy is " Can I see an example of how the proposed Mixed Member Proportional System would work?" This question will show you links to the Citizen's Assembly report, where they paint hypothetical scenarios of what might happen, and what implications that would have if we did adopt an MMP system.

Monday, September 03, 2007

Spa Comparisons

The spas I'm going to compare are Summerhill Spa, Concepts Spa and In Beauty Spa.

Hot Stone Therapy
Summerhill................60min for $90
Concepts..................60min for $110
Beauty....................55min for $120

Reflexology Massage
Summerhill................45min for $55 (Includes hot oil treatment)
Concepts..................45min for $60
Beauty....................55min for $80....$65.25 for 45min

RMT Registered Massage Therapy
Summerhill................60min for $85
Concepts..................60min for $80
Beauty....................55min for $85

Basic Facials
Summerhill................45min for $40....$53.40 for 60min
Concepts..................60min for $75
Beauty....................60min for $75

Advanced Facials
Summerhill................75min for $80
Concepts..................75min for $90
Beauty....................75min for $95

Eyebrow Waxing
Summerhill................15min for $15
Concepts........................... $17
Beauty...................(tweezing) $20-25

Summerhill................50min for $40
Concepts..................60min for $48
Beauty............................. $45

Summerhill................40min for $30
Concepts..................30min for $25
Beauty............................. $25

Hot Stone Pedicure
Summerhill................70min for $75
Concepts..................75min for $75
Beauty.................... none

Summerhill Spa
154 Cumberland Street
Toronto M5R 1A8
phone 416-924-0531
fax 416-924-7309


20 Bloor Street Eest
(Hudson’s Bay Centre)
Toronto, Ontario M4W 3B8
Tel: 416.928.6845
Fax: 416.928.0489

In Beauty Spa @ Commerce Gate
Commerce Gate
Unit 12-16, 505 HWY 7 East,
Thornhill, ON. L3T 7T1
Tel: 905-7629099 / 905-7629199

I have been to Summerhill and In Beauty spas. The facials I got at each location were different, so it's hard to compare how well the facials were done. Judging by other factors, I prefer Summerhill. Summerhill's decor is very homey, making me feel truly relaxed. The music is calming, and the way they position you on the bed is much more comfortable. During the facial, the aestheticians put a pillow underneath my knees, which allows my body to lie in a natural and relaxing position. During the pedicure, I also lay on a bed, with a triangular pillow underneath my knees. I was so comfortable I fell asleep. In Beauty, however, has small rooms that resemble doctor's examining rooms. The bed is very narrow and so you feel cramped, not relaxed.

My best friend has been to Concepts Spa (Hudson's Bay Co.) and she said they dim the lights to create a relaxing atmosphere. I don't know what their decor looks like, though, and it's hard to find pictures on the internet.